By: Admin On: May 29, 2023 In: Carpet Cleaning Comments: 0

When you’re moving out of a rental home or apartment, the last thing you want is to leave it in less-than-perfect condition. But there are some areas that might slip through the cracks. Here’s a checklist for cleaning with the help of top end of lease Cleaning professionals before you are ready to say goodbye:


Vacuum carpets, rugs and upholstery. Use the crevice tool to get into corners, then use a brush attachment to remove pet hair from your furniture. Don’t forget about vacuuming stairs!

Stairs are often overlooked when vacuuming, but they’re a great place to get rid of dust and dirt. If you have carpeted stairs, use your vacuum’s crevice tool to get into corners and remove pet hair from furniture.

Wash the Carpets

The easiest way to clean the carpets is by using a carpet shampooer. If you don’t have one, there are other options:

  • You can hire professionals or do it yourself with some help from friends and family members.
  • You can rent a machine from your local grocery store or hardware store. The cost will vary depending on what brand and model you choose, but most rental fees are between $30-$60 per day–and remember that this doesn’t include any additional supplies like cleaning solutions or scrub brushes! So if money is tight and time isn’t in abundance…what do we do?

Clean Upholstery

If you’re not sure how to clean upholstery, don’t worry. This can be a tricky task without the right tools and techniques. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Clean stains with a cleaning solution–this will help loosen dirt and prevent further staining. To do this, put on gloves and rub the area with an absorbent cloth dampened with warm water or an appropriate cleaning solution (like vinegar). The goal here is not only to remove spots but also any dirt that might have gotten embedded in the fibers of your upholstery over time.
  • Brush away stubborn stains–if using a brush doesn’t work on its own, use it in conjunction with one of these two other methods: steam cleaning or vacuuming upholstery thoroughly before moving on to step three below.

Clean Baseboards and Trim

Now that you’ve cleaned the floor, it’s time to focus on the baseboards and trim. You’ll want to use a sponge with a cleaning solution that is safe for baseboards and trim. Use a dry cloth to wipe off any excess solution from these surfaces, as well. If you’ve spilled something on them, be sure to wipe it up immediately so that it doesn’t stain or damage your floors when it dries!

The grout between tiles or stone flooring can be very difficult to clean. It is best to use a grout brush and a solution of vinegar and water. You can also use a toothbrush for corners if you have difficulty removing dirt from them. If the grout still looks dirty after cleaning, you may want to consider replacing it with new tile and grout instead of trying again with more elbow grease!


We hope this checklist helps you to get the most out of your top end of lease cleaning service. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to do everything on it–just choose the tasks that are most important to you and leave the rest to Oz Cleaning Geelong professionals. Our dedicated team, cutting-edge equipment, and eco-friendly practices ensure a pristine result, making us your go-to choice for a cleaner, healthier, and happier home or office.