By: Admin On: April 15, 2024 In: End of Lease Cleaning Comments: 0

Moving out of a rental property can be a busy time, with packing, organising, and ensuring you leave the property in pristine condition to secure the return of your bond.

End of lease cleaning is crucial for tenants to get their full security deposit back. It involves making the rental property look as good as new for the next occupants. Whether you decide to do it on your own or hire professional end of lease cleaning services in Geelong, ensuring a clean space is important.

In this comprehensive guide, we will share the complete DIY end of lease cleaning process to help tenants like you make a smooth transition.

Preparation for End of Lease Cleaning

Before diving into the cleaning tasks, it’s essential to have a clear plan in place. Proper preparation will not only make the cleaning process more manageable but also ensure that every part of the rental property meets the landlord’s standards. Here’s how to get started:

Gather Necessary Supplies

A successful end of lease clean begins with having all the necessary cleaning supplies at your disposal. Here’s a basic list of supplies you’ll need, which you can adjust according to your specific cleaning needs:

  • Rags, paper towels, and sponges for various surfaces.
  • Magic Erasers for tough marks and stains.
  • Eco-friendly sanitisers and disinfectants for a safer clean.
  • Rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  • Bleach, baking soda, and white vinegar for deep cleaning and odour removal.
  • Microfiber cloths and scrubbers for gentle yet effective cleaning.
  • Essential tools like vacuum cleaners with brush attachments, mops, extendable dusters, and squeegees.

Create a Cleaning Checklist

A comprehensive cleaning checklist is your roadmap to a thorough end of lease clean. It ensures you don’t miss out on any critical areas and provides a clear sequence of tasks. Here’s how to create an effective checklist:

  • List down all the rooms and spaces within your rental property, including the kitchen, bathroom, living areas, bedrooms, and any outdoor spaces.
  • For each area, detail the specific tasks needed. This might include dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing, and disinfecting different surfaces and appliances.
  • Organise tasks from top to bottom within each area to avoid cleaning the same spots multiple times. Start with ceiling fans, light fixtures, and walls, and gradually move to furniture, floors, and baseboards.
  • Pay special attention to high-use areas like kitchens and bathrooms, noting tasks such as deep cleaning appliances, removing grime and stains, and sanitising surfaces.
  • Don’t forget less obvious tasks like cleaning vents, inside cabinets and drawers, fixtures, and removing cobwebs from corners.

Room-by-Room Cleaning Guide

Kitchen: The Focal Point of Cleaning

The kitchen often demands the most attention during end of lease cleaning due to its frequent use and the buildup of grease, grime, and food residue. Here’s a streamlined approach to tackle the kitchen:

  • Start with emptying and cleaning all appliances, including the refrigerator, microwave, oven, and dishwasher. Make sure to defrost the freezer, remove all residues, and give all interior surfaces a thorough wipe.
  • Clean the stovetop meticulously to eliminate any food splatters or burned-on stains. Use a paste of baking soda and water for stubborn spots.
  • Wipe down all countertops using a natural cleaner, paying close attention to areas that might have been stained or damaged.
  • Clean the exhaust fan and any removable filters to ensure they are free from grease.
  • Course through the cabinets and pantry, removing all items to clean inside thoroughly. Don’t forget to sanitise handles and door surfaces.
  • Finish with the floors, sweeping and mopping to remove any lingering dirt or stains.

Bathroom: Tips for a Sparkling Finish

Bathrooms can be challenging due to moisture and soap scum buildup. Here’s how to achieve a sparkling finish:

  • Start with the removal of soap scum from showerheads, shower glass/screens, bathtubs, and basins using an all-purpose cleaner or a paste of baking soda.
  • Pay attention to tile grouts, cleaning them with a specialised grout cleaner to restore their original colour.
  • Clean and disinfect the toilet bowl, seat, and surrounding area thoroughly.
  • Polish mirrors and any glass surfaces to ensure they are streak-free.
  • Wipe down walls, removing any moisture marks or mildew.
  • Mop the floors, making sure to reach into corners and around the toilet base.

Living Areas and Bedrooms: Maintaining the Aesthetics

For living areas and bedrooms, focus on dust removal and surface cleaning:

  • Begin by dusting from the top, addressing ceiling fans, light fixtures, and wall corners for cobwebs.
  • Clean windows, blinds, and curtains, ensuring transparency and removing any built-up dust.
  • Wipe down all surfaces, including furniture tops, television screens, and ornaments.
  • Vacuum soft furnishings, such as sofas and mattresses, and consider steam cleaning to remove any stains or odours.
  • Ensure carpets are vacuumed thoroughly; hire professionals for steam cleaning if needed.

Laundry Room and Other Areas

The laundry room and additional spaces like balconies and garages shouldn’t be overlooked:

  • For the laundry room, clean beneath and behind the washing machine and dryer, removing any lint buildup.
  • In the garage, sweep and mop the floors and remove any oil stains or debris.
  • For balconies, clean the floors, railing, and any external windows or doors.

Deep Cleaning Techniques

Effective Stain Removal

For effective stain removal on various surfaces, consider the following tips:

  • Use a combination of baking soda and vinegar for tough carpet stains, applying the mixture, letting it sit, then scrubbing and blotting away.
  • For wall marks and scuffs, a magic eraser dampened with warm water can work wonders. Be gentle to avoid paint removal.
  • Hard surface stains, such as countertops or stovetops, can often be lifted with a paste of baking soda and water, applied and left before scrubbing.

Dealing with Mold and Mildew

Mould and mildew can be problematic, especially in damp areas of the home:

  • Use a mixture of white vinegar and water sprayed directly on affected areas, letting it sit before scrubbing with a brush. For tougher mould, hydrogen peroxide or specialised mould removal products may be necessary.
  • Ensure proper ventilation during and after cleaning to prevent mould from returning.
  • If mould is extensive, consider hiring professionals to ensure it is handled safely and effectively.

Final Touches and Inspection Readiness

Ensuring a Spotless Environment

When you’re nearing the end of your lease cleaning process, it’s crucial to ensure every surface sparkles, leaving no room for your landlord or property manager to withhold any portion of your bond due to cleanliness issues. Paying attention to minor details can make a significant difference. Ensure that areas prone to dust accumulation, such as ceiling fans, air vents, and window sills, are thoroughly cleaned.

Appliances should not only work but look as if they’re barely used. Prioritise the removal of stains from carpets, upholstery, and walls. A final walkthrough of your own, checking each room for consistency in cleanliness and condition against when you moved in, can help catch any spots you might have missed.

Checking Off Your List

After giving your rental property a comprehensive clean, revisit your checklist (as recommended by the experts) to ensure every task has been attended to. This checklist should cover everything from the top corners of your rooms where cobwebs might lurk, down to the floors that should be free of scuffs and stains.

Kitchens and bathrooms require special attention due to their frequent use and susceptibility to grime and bacteria. Make sure that appliances, including the refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher, are pristine inside and out. Don’t forget to address any minor repairs, such as patching holes left by nails or securing loose tiles, as these can also affect the return of your bond.

Hiring Professional Cleaners vs. DIY

Pros and Cons of Professional Services

While hiring professional cleaners can offer a hassle-free end to your lease by ensuring the property is in top-notch condition, it does come with its own set of pros and cons. On the plus side, professionals have the experience, tools, and expertise to address trouble spots effectively and efficiently, likely saving you time and stress. They are familiar with the standards expected by landlords and property managers, potentially increasing your chances of getting your full bond back.

However, the cost of hiring professional cleaners can be a significant con, especially if you’re on a tight budget. Additionally, you may have less control over the cleaning process, which could be a drawback for those who want things done in specific ways.

Tips for DIY End of Lease Cleaning

Doing end of lease cleaning yourself can be daunting, but with the right approach, it’s entirely manageable. Start by preparing a comprehensive cleaning checklist tailored to your rental’s specific requirements. Gather all necessary cleaning supplies in advance, opting for high-quality products that will give you the best chance of tackling tough stains and accumulated grime. Begin with the areas that require the most work, typically the kitchen and bathrooms, before moving on to bedrooms, living areas, and outdoor spaces.

Utilise effective homemade solutions, like baking soda and vinegar for natural cleaning. Remember, consistency and attention to detail are key. Break the tasks down into manageable chunks, and don’t hesitate to ask friends or family for help to lighten the load. Lastly, if tackling carpets, consider renting a steam cleaner for a day to ensure deep-seated dirt and stains are thoroughly removed, potentially saving you the cost of professional carpet cleaning services.


Successfully completing the end of lease cleaning process is crucial for tenants to get their full bond back. Our practical guide presents a detailed approach to end of lease cleaning, emphasising preparation and thorough cleaning from top to bottom. Whether you choose to DIY or decide to hire professional end of lease cleaning services in Geelong, the key to success is following our checklist.

This might seem daunting, but with the right planning, tools, and effort, it’s entirely achievable. Focus on areas that are carefully inspected, such as ovens and carpets, and don’t overlook less obvious spots like window tracks and light fixtures.

If you feel overwhelmed by a plethora of tasks, you can rely on OZ Cleaning Geelong to get the best results. Our experienced end of lease cleaners follows an in-depth checklist, so you won’t miss out on any spot. Contact us today to pass the final inspection confidently!